Contact us by phone

Welcome to the customer service team of the most international company.

Opening hours:
Monday through Friday between 8h00 and 18h.
Closed on public holidays.

+32 2 715 50 50


You can simply send us a message as well to find out more about the status of your shipment or to learn how to calculate a price.

How? Scan the QR code or click the button below and type “Track my package” or “Get a quote”

Choose your language

  1. Dutch
  2. French
  3. English


You will hear following options

  1. Pick Up: If you would like to have a pick-up or information on prices or products
  2. Tracking: If you would like information about your shipment in transit
  3. eSolutions: If you need technical assistance with your electronic shipping solutions
  4. Billing: for accounting
  5. Other


Contact us online

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